JURNAL & Text books (pendidikan, sains, biologi dll)
- 9. view list of all journal & subject
- 8. list of journals incities
- 7. master journal list
- 6. list of e-journal & e-textbooks
- 5. list of journal in the world (more 300 title of journals)
- 4. Journals of biology educations (25 judul)
- 3. Journals of science education & technology
- 2. SPRINGER kumpulan 123 jurnal (sains, educations, teknologi, sosial, arts dll)
- 1. jurnal pendidikan sains (34 macam/judul)
Buku Elektronik untuk bahan KULIAH
- 15. interactive science simulation
- 14. Human Anatomy & Histology Online
- 13. Interactive and animation of biology
- 12. human embryology animation
- 11. On line & Animation for general Biology
- 10. Method in plant histology, charles joseph
- 9. Histological technique for laboratory, Johansen
- 8. ALL MAJOR E-book Norton, buku elektronik untuk SEMUA BIDANG
- 7. an on line biology book maricopa
- 6. EMBRIOLOGY, developmental biology
- 5. BIOLOGY KIMBALL on line e-book
- 4. Biomedia on line book, buku biologi dasar setingkat SMA
- 3. Fisika interaktif java applet
- 2. materi Biologi dasar/SMA dlm format power point
- 1. Biology E-book, buku biologi interaktif dengan materi lengkap kls 1-3 SMA